107 • Seine

107 • Seine

I was raiding a wreck in the Seine,
Just me and two badly-dressed men.
They began to perspire
And my snorkel caught fire:
I’m not going to risk it again.

Arguably today’s adventurers fall somewhat short of the swashbuckling bravado that distinguished our childhood heroes. Alas, that we were so easily duped, from the cradle.

2 thoughts on “107 • Seine

    1. Hi Jason,

      Do I sense a veiled challenge? Or, more likely, wishful thinking? I believe I announced the end of this series a little while ago, but they just keep coming. ‘Who would have thought the Old Man to have had so much blood in him?’ as Lady Macbeth remarks, in the 1927 musical ‘Show Boat’, to the Paul Robeson character.

      Thanks for reading, and commenting.

      Stay well, Rick

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