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Category: Medical

361 • Pandora’s Boxing Day

361 • Pandora’s Boxing Day

‘These microbes must stay in the flask!’
You begged to be given the task.
But it snowed, and you slipped
Down the steps to the crypt.
‘Will superglue mend it?’ you ask …

When tremors were rocking Qatar
My genie got out of the jar
When I bade him return
And repair his cracked urn
His answer was, ‘Ha bloody ha.’

‘Twas the day after Christmas … and we suddenly had time to try a little remembrance of things past. Back when we all assumed the pandemic was a gambit in the column-inches war. Back when we imagined rogue science might be to blame. Back when the spirit world was obviously exacting vengeance on an iniquitous civilization. But now we know better … if we do … will we predict, prepare, react better? Or have the Genies truly left the building, leaving their self-styled ‘masters’ holding the bottle (that’s ‘fiasco’ in Italian, of course) and counting the cracks?

360 • Joy to the world

360 • Joy to the world

The truth can no longer be ducked:
This planet’s NOT totally fucked
‘Cos its prime pest, its blight,
Its blind parasite
Is programmed to auto-destruct.

I have to admit I wrote my Christmas Message yesterday — not on the morning of publication as is my wont – and road-tested it on a sandwich board, front and back, walking among last-minute panic-buyers in our Regional Shopping Mall. ‘Why are you wearing a mask?’ a child challenged me. ‘I don’t want to catch the plague,’ said I. ‘Your board says it’s going to disappear of its own accord,’ countered an angry mother. Only then did I realise that ‘pest’, ‘blight’ and so on could perhaps refer to the Covid virus, as well as to the human race. Twice the Christmas Message, then! The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.

354 • Boa sting

354 • Boa sting

Said a blustering braggart from Bingley,
‘I can swallow ten scorpions, singly,
Then twelve jalapenos
That burn like volcanoes
And still swear my tonsils aren’t tingly.’

I challenged him, ‘Chew on this pie
Packed with gunpowder, chillies, and lye.’
(And gravy so gingery
Permanent injury
Threatened his throat, by the by).

Then I watched the first slice disappear
And his silly fat face lost its sneer:
As his gums glowed red hot, his
Engorged epiglottis
Put paid to his boasting career.

Of course I concede that the above bulletin is not entirely true, and that it was not penned for publication at My Dog Errol, but rather on the ‘Readers’ Homilies’ page in our Parish Magazine. It illustrates something from the Bible, as I recall. It was rejected by the Vicar (on grounds of length, I can only assume). 

352 • You are what you eat

352 • You are what you eat

No cannibal vegan grows fat;
Their ethical stance sees to that.
On a diet of air
You just die of despair.
Take note of this brief caveat.

Food fascism is a pernicious scourge of 21st century life. Social pressure is a bubble only if one can muster the confidence and individuality to burst it; otherwise one is likely to stack fad upon fad in hopes of cultivating peer approval. The vegan cannibal, clearly threatening nobody, ought on paper to be a popular figure; but he or she is sadly opting for a downhill path in terms of bodily prosperity. ‘Take note of this brief caveat’ indeed.

349 • Take-away (4)

349 • Take-away (4)

Regarding the death of my former
Relation (the one known as Norma)
Just tell the police
She’s no longer my niece
And that was the cause of her trauma.

Proof, if proof were needed, that a lazy diet of convenience food can induce circular, or even Moebius, reasoning: not at all what we typically expect from a thoughtful assassin.

348 • Carnality, spirituality

348 • Carnality, spirituality

You claim that your abs and your pecs
Will dazzle the opposite sex?
I tell you my quads
Have bewildered the Gods
And reduced them to gibbering wrecks.

This is the question for all us body-builders, is it not, whether ’tis nobler to pump up one’s corpse grotesquely in hope that impressionable young women will fancy being steamrollered by one’s unseemly bulk, or whether to treat the said corpse as some kind of overblown temple wherein the majesty of the Divine may be both parodied and repudiated.

345 • Take-Away (2)

345 • Take-Away (2)

Today our great monarch, King Louis
Is planning to ban ratatouille,
And pass a new law
Which (to curb Habsburg Jaw)
Will require all our food to be chewy.

Classic overkill from a monomaniacal tyrant. By all means take steps to extirp a congenital deformity brought on by in-breeding. But why impose dietary sanctions on the ornery populace? Don’t these potentates realise that they look weird only because the rest of us have normal jaws? Far more appetising, then, to address the problem by making ratatouille an obligatory staple, so that – if it really causes that egregious chin condition – we shall all, in time, look like our freakish overlords, and cease to lampoon and satirise them.

330 • Serial Killer

330 • Serial Killer

Gents! Should you require an abortion,
Step into my clinic with caution.
Here tools are corroded,
Procedures outmoded,
And fees tantamount to extortion.

Surely a man has little to fear from a backstreet abortionist, especially one so unsparing in his own condemnation? Yet the very existence of such a clinic throws grave shadows on the integrity of the male of the species, who is very rarely the target of the hazardous procedure for which he is about to pay.

324 • Monserrate

324 • Monserrate

In the mountains beyond Bogota
Five gangsters had opened a spa.
I went once or twice
But it wasn’t that nice:
It needed more je ne sais quoi.

They’d been loading some drugs on a mule
When it panicked and fell in the pool.
Soon that afternoon’s dip
Was a ten-hour trip
And the place seemed a lot less uncool.

To those who protest that ‘drugs mule’ is nowadays a mere metaphor for a human trafficker, I can only counter with the evidence in the bulletin above. The narrator’s first-hand testimony seems incontestable, and critics who urge the contrary are merely drawing attention to their innate misogyny, or a groundless predisposition to doubt the objectivity of individuals who delight in regaling us with accounts of their psychedelic experiences.

270 • Surplus to requirements

270 • Surplus to requirements

A crafty old crook from Pamplona
Once posed as a cardiac donor.
The ad. for his heart
Said ‘Good second-hand part
Unused by its previous owner.’

‘Crafty’, perhaps, in that the familiar language of Classified Ads deftly deflects attention from the more problematical aspects of his offer. But ‘crook’, really? Where’s the crime in seeking to divest oneself of an organ that serves only as memento of a life untouched by true romance?

267 • Libra

267 • Libra

They weighed you in Libra, the scales:
Now all your fine life-planning fails.
No matter what talents
You chuck in the balance
The world sucks the wind from your sails.

Waking this morning under the sign of the celestial scales, it’s liberating to remember how our lives are laid out in full by the time the midwife has us snipped and weighed. I was 9lbs 10 in my maiden diaper … heavy, man.

258 • Faye King

258 • Faye King

Forgetting the wives they’re forsaking
Men queue for a fling with Miss Faye King:
We all know she neuters
Her second-rate suitors.
It just seems a gamble worth taking.

Incredibly there are men who would disagree that emasculation, by some painted celluloid vamp, is ‘a gamble worth taking’. What abject feebletons! We Real Men can validate our virility only through high-profile competitive mating; an alpha Hollywood vedette is both a mirror for male vanity and an antidote to the slow poison of a complacent marriage. The conquest, and satisfaction, of such illusory femmes fatales constitutes a Darwinian endorsement, a seal of machismo. In our dreams, at any rate; our most ignoble and embarrassing dreams.

236 • Virgo

236 • Virgo

You may trust, under Virgo the Virgin,
That your boons and your blessings will burgeon:
But such hopes are misplaced
(Like a frog in fishpaste
Or a goat in the garb of a surgeon).

My mother had a fair-sized bee in her bonnet when it came to Mariolatry. Sooner trust an astrologer than a woman, she would often say. For a long while I was blind to the paradox in those words, but recent events in my private life, which I shall not make public here, are forcing me to re-evaluate them.

221 • Loris Farewell

221 • Loris Farewell

Farewell to my loris, Louise,
Who loved to curl up on my knees.
She felt like a friend
Till she forced me to spend
Such a fortune in medical fees.

In a civilised society, such as we nominally aspire to, a true friendship would endure even as the associated medical bills began to pile up. In trans-species relationships, however, this aspirational principle appears to be tainted by a culpable, chauvinistic parsimony.

207 • A Grand Scheme

207 • A Grand Scheme

As I sat, with my cat, at the vet’s,
Where a ghastly, huge dog with Tourette’s
Snapped and bellowed and whined,
A Grand Scheme came to mind:
Euthanasia For Other Folk’s Pets.

All true … but let us not be too hard on dogs; it’s so easy to see them as unruly embodiments of all that is vulgar and vicious, and to forget that the cur’s owner in this cameo may feel correspondingly ill-at-ease with the little cat – threatened, even, by the placid decorum with which she awaits her final summons into the consulting-room.

205 • Leo

205 • Leo

Your career – once allegro con brio
Turns so deadly dull, thanks to Leo,
You’ll be longing, instead,
For a whole month in bed
Next to three baleful badgers with B.O.

Springing from our beds, with the Lion ruling the zodiac, we should surely genuflect for a moment – not to the King of the Beasts, but to the Astrological Adept, whose acumen, in the field of predicting human affairs, lies beyond any reasonable doubt.

203 • Omphaloskepsis

203 • Omphaloskepsis

Astronomers travel to Tulsa
To view the Crab Nebula pulsar.
To spare that expense
It would make far more sense
To stay put, and examine my ulcer.

Yes indeed, with all the sparkling technology at its disposal humanity now tends to look outward, rather than inward, for its enlightenment. But why make expense a guiding principle? Why not emulate the navel-gazers of yore, who lived wisely, if not too well, on cowpats and cobwebs in hovels moulded from their ancestors’ excrements?

198 • Pillow talk

198 • Pillow talk

I was giving myself CPR
While two gunslingers trashed my guitar.

Yet, perverse as it seems,
I’d give forty such dreams
For the way that things actually are.

At first glance, this verbatim account suggests the heart-stopping hold any delicate possession exerts on us. At second glance, it appears impenetrably stupid. Yet, as an afterthought, perhaps we should ponder the worries and woes of waking life, and deplore the feverish parodies of it that are discharged by a toxic subconscious as we reluctantly escape from sleep.

197 • Where are they now?

197 • Where are they now?

We’ve not seen a great deal of Piers;
He hasn’t come this way for years.
The reason he states
Is the size of the weights
That he’s tied to the hairs in his ears.

We’ve not seen a great deal of Layla.
She’s given her heart to a sailor.
She’s renting her spine
To a colleague of mine,
And the rest still remains with her gaoler.

We’ve not seen a great deal of Chalkie
Since he walked, on his hands, to Milwaukee
Where he teaches guitar
At The Conservatoire,
So he claims. But I guess that’s a porky.

A little suite of patterns or exemplars for those who need to craft excuses explaining why they no longer visit people they were friends with in High School (it’s too, too bourgeois, after all, to persist in blaming the Covid crisis for our insularity and self-absorption).

194 • Ms Carter, recollected

194 • Ms Carter, recollected

Our Senior teacher, Ms Carter?
That course was a total non-starter.
I blame her huge eyes,
Her marble-white thighs
And her stylishly-streaming stigmata.

Yes, Paulina Carter, never to be forgotten, however hard I try. It was my first glimpse of such oozing wounds, and her whispered explanation (‘Call me a victim soul’) seemed somehow unsettling. Many of my classmates learned to focus on their studies: I only had eyes for Paulina.

188 • Family ties

188 • Family ties

At birth I was joined to my twin
Not by bones, nor shared organs, nor skin,
But this broad ginger beard
Which still dangles, unsheared,
’Twixt her beauteous cheeks and my chin.

I realise there could be objections to this rhyme, and I wish to pre-empt them by explaining that, in a perfect world, my first choice would have been the strong past participle ‘unshorn’ in place of ‘unsheared’; but in this Philistine age the writer who seeks to keep such charming archaisms alive is all-too often ostracised as some kind of a freak.

166 • Deep Fake

166 • Deep Fake

That evening with Truman Capote
He praised the great power of peyote.
I think it was him,
Though he looked pretty grim,
Part capon and partly coyote.

Ingestion of psychoactive substances is a significant component in many a religious ritual, and our species surely benefits from experiencing, or seeming to experience, the world from the viewpoint of non-human, ‘totemic’ animals. In the present bulletin, however, it’s unclear whether the author, or the writer he alludes to, is under the drug’s influence.

149 • The Florist’s Tale

149 • The Florist’s Tale

‘It’s tragic,’ declared Robin Hood,
‘My public has misunderstood
Why I left Sherwood Forest
To work as a florist.
Fact is, I’m allergic to wood.’

As we contemplate the inn-signs of Merrie England, this ‘Hood’ is typically presented as some kind of macho archetype. Reading between the lines of his own account, however, suggests the erstwhile outlaw was none too comfortable in that role: in soliciting public compassion, he boldly goes against the grain.

147 • Crinoline Paradox

147 • Crinoline Paradox

I owe my continued existence
To this garb, worn at Granny’s insistence.
Yes, work colleagues mock
My huge crinoline frock
But they strongly maintain Social Distance.

Fashions come and fashions go. The widest crinoline in its day was some 2 metres across: hence its re-emergence in the Covid Era as an agent of Social Distancing. Paradoxically, however, the present-day Politics of Cool forbid us to shy away from any man who chooses to flaunt his Granny’s cast-offs in public. So what can a poor boy do?

146 • Meet the team (10)

146 • Meet the team (10)

That nurse with the knife is Nanette
Whose brief is our burgeoning debt.
She can cut it by half
If she slashes the staff
But you mustn’t take that as a threat.

The presence of trained medical personnel in the workplace would, in an ideal world, be reassuring. But, trained for what? The idea that my new colleagues and I might be culled, in the name of economies, is somewhat less so.

122 • MayDay

122 • MayDay

It’s not my position to scold
And I hate to seem prudish, or old,
(And a bath with a friend
I can quite recommend)
But this hot-tubbing cult leaves me cold.

Still, into the maelstrom I go
Where viruses seethe to and fro:
Veruccas and boils,
Private bodily oils
Exuded by folks I don’t know.

A-swill in this scum marinade
I try not to look too dismayed.
I’ll sip my Martini,
Let slip my bikini
And hope pretty soon to get laid.

A modish recreation, its pointless vanity emblematic of our times. The narrative voice here appears conflicted, but peer-pressure – or else indiscriminate carnalitywins the day.

116 • Potus alert (4)

116 • Potus alert (4)

With tough healthcare questions to settle,
The Donald’ shows fans his true mettle:
We’ll defeat this disease,
His great wisdom decrees,
If we all begin mainlining Dettol™.

A memorable coronavirus intervention from the well-known TV entertainer. But he’s done himself a disfavor by recanting, and claiming his diagnosis was ‘sarcastic’. Intelligent people might stop taking him seriously.

108 • In the dark

108 • In the dark

Enough of your ifs, buts and maybes,
I need to know when I’ll catch rabies.
Please, Government analysts,
Pundits and panellists,
Treat us like brothers, not babies.

Ever feel you’re being patronised, kept in the dark about the virus crisis, by the vested interests that run the media or stand to profit from the pandemic? More comfortable, isn’t it, than recognising your histrionic worries for what they truly are – the atavistic bleating of the self-obsessed toddler you continue to cherish at the core of your being.

096 • Substitution

096 • Substitution

Please note: our great brain surgeon, Guy,
Has sadly been Summoned On High.
His place will be filled
By this gibbon: unskilled,
Yet keen to be given a try.

Euphemism is the rhetoric of cowards: if a priest cannot mention death from the pulpit, where can we expect to hear it named? Covid 19 takes the high-flying medic as readily as the homeless man; but in the former’s case, as this vicar reminds us, there is no shortage of volunteers willing to step into the breach.

085 • Danube

085 • Danube

One night on the island of Lupa
A guillemot fell in a stupor.
On the Danube, I guess
There was no NHS
So I trust someone contacted BUPA.

The British set great store by their ‘NHS’ (National Health System), and this piece explores what will happen when — post-Covid, no doubt — they sell it down the river to US capitalist interests. The difference? One pays for BUPA.

084 • Cuckoo, coffee

084 • Cuckoo, coffee

Last night on the island of Skomer
A cuckoo fell into a coma.
They soon brought him round
With a cup of ‘FreshGround™
With its powerful, distinctive aroma’.

Yes, even in a wildlife paradise it’s impossible to shake off the mind-forged manacles of capitalism, in this case, an inane advertising slogan. Luckily the remedy was effective, but That’s Not The Point.

082 • Saviours

082 • Saviours

Did you read, on some scrap of papyrus,
How Christ raised the daughter of Jairus?
No dark Dead Sea Scrolls
But soft white paper rolls
For our conquest of Coronavirus.

Admittedly there were no New Testament books among the genuine Dead Sea Scrolls, though with the more recently-discovered fakes anything goes. But whereas those scrolls record the superstitious beliefs of a sect 22 centuries ago, 2020’s rational response to mortal disease is spelt out in the barren superflux of hoarded lavatory-paper.

079 • Trajan

079 • Trajan

Our eminent emperor, Trajan
Was minded to marry a Cajun.
But processing in pomp
Through her Baton Rouge swamp
His cohort succumbed to contagion.

Empires are forged and maintained by matrimony; here Trajan’s men are thwarted in their attempt to bring him a trophy bride from exotic, as-yet undiscovered territory, and in the particular case few would doubt that the virus was doing a sterling job.

067 • Empty Shelves

067 • Empty Shelves

Slim pickings … the neighbours are dying …
I’ve left it quite late … panic-buying …
Found five plastic forks …
And this small bag of corks …
But nothing you’d call ‘death-defying’ …

Corona Virus is a gift to the right-wing media that elected the present UK government; amid their craftily-orchestrated furore of hand-washing and panic-buying, who has headspace to worry about the vicious incompetence of Our Leaders? Nobody sane believes that Shopping will Save the Day … but who has the courage not to stock up on indispensibles, ‘just in case’?

065 • Crufts

065 • Crufts

Distressing to learn that your cyrrh
Is severely allergic to myrrh:
I’d procured a supply
To be flicked in its eye
And smeared on its foul-smelling fyrrh.

Oh the Brits love their animals: some huge dogfest, The Crufts, starts this morning. Sure, there’s a hint of cruelty in this ironic rhyme, but it’s nothing compared to the indignity of enslaving an animal for life, in order to harvest the adoration you have so little hope of garnering from your own species.

058 • The new tobacco

058 • The new tobacco

The roll-out of 5G’s complete!
Humanity’s stupidest feat!
For most of my life I
Have hidden from Wi-Fi
But now it pollutes every street.

Smoking, the cool trend of a previous generation, is now proven lethal. Likewise this shiny communications technology, foisted on us by profiteering corporations, will probably show its true hand in years to come.

048 • Fudge

048 • Fudge

As far as I’m able to judge
All children are partial to fudge
Hence my gift for your spawn
When s/he’s finally born:
This slab of brown fossilised sludge.

To give sweets to a child, in this era, is to risk arrest. And would the pregnant mother be well-advised to devour this farsighted present herself, in hopes of forestalling childhood obesity in years to come?

042 • Gravel

042 • Gravel

A popular pundit named Pavel
Likes to garnish his goulash with gravel:
‘It’s not merely greed
It’s the roughage I need
And without it my guts would unravel.’

The media manipulates its gullible public into a state of dietary insecurity, which is then fed by the fads of witless ‘influencers’.

038 • Little Ned (3)

038 • Little Ned (3)

That coroner’s waiting till autumn
To start on your puppy’s post-mortem.
Well the later he gawps
At Ned’s pitiful corpse
The sooner I get to report him.

Maybe I did nothing to make Ned’s brief life agreeable; but I can certainly compensate by a vengeful attack on the slothful bureaucracy that thinks nothing of delaying his funeral. [See also here]

037 • Choice of cheeses

037 • Choice of cheeses

Whenever I feel a bit gloomy
I gnaw on an hunk of halloumi.
I know I’d feel better
With facefuls of feta
But that stuff just passes straight through me.

Our culture has us hooked on comfort foods. In this portrait of a greasy placebo rejected, we sense the all-too-knowing body overriding the whims of that needy weakling, the mind.

028 • Pandemonium

028 • Pandemonium

First medics deliver my jab
From the Pandemic Antidotes Lab.
And then they forecast a
Full global disaster:
‘The whole world a mortuary slab’.

Our behaviour is entirely contradictory, but you’ve come to us because we’re experts, and we know our paradoxical behaviour will only strengthen the illusion of authority we take pains to foster.

017 • Gossips

017 • Gossips

Quite why it’s occurred is unclear
But my forehead has sprouted an ear.
The gossips may jest,
But it keeps me abreast
Of the quips they don’t want me to hear.

Is it better to know what detractors are saying about you, or to be free of the defects that catalyse their scorn? Unhappily, the more genetic modification we tolerate in our food chain, the more frequently we shall encounter such bodily aberrations.

015 • Bleeding

015 • Bleeding

One thing my life sorely lacks is
Some nostrum to quell epistaxis:
To limit the gore
That I trail on the floor
And the bloodhounds that follow my trackses.

Every citizen has a dripping wound, acknowledged or not: nosebleeds are the least of it. So much genetic data surrendered to malign agencies – not so much the hounds themselves as those who presume to marshal them.