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Category: Amoeba

249 • A Voyeur’s Lament

249 • A Voyeur’s Lament

My Andalusian amœba …
I summon her to me: ‘Arriba!’
Yet she sulks in her pool
Coquettish, but cruel:
Unbearable beauty, Bathsheba.

‘You saw her bathing on the roof,’ as Laughing Len sang, ‘Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya.’ But am I King David, or Farmer Boldwood, observing my innamorata through a specialist microscope, made by Óptica of Seville, and formerly in the possession of Luis Buñuel? Quite why this flirting – especially since it can scarcely be pursued to consummation – should so annoy a human marital partner is beyond me.

026 • Living room

026 • Living room

Zookeepers struggle to gauge
When a creature’s too small for its cage.
Though they argue the toss
Re. the great albatross
With amœbas they’re on the same page.

In contemporary culture, when we pose the same question about great and small, it’s inevitably the former that receives the lion’s share of the debate, even when the question is demonstrably fatuous.