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Category: Mule

324 • Monserrate

324 • Monserrate

In the mountains beyond Bogota
Five gangsters had opened a spa.
I went once or twice
But it wasn’t that nice:
It needed more je ne sais quoi.

They’d been loading some drugs on a mule
When it panicked and fell in the pool.
Soon that afternoon’s dip
Was a ten-hour trip
And the place seemed a lot less uncool.

To those who protest that ‘drugs mule’ is nowadays a mere metaphor for a human trafficker, I can only counter with the evidence in the bulletin above. The narrator’s first-hand testimony seems incontestable, and critics who urge the contrary are merely drawing attention to their innate misogyny, or a groundless predisposition to doubt the objectivity of individuals who delight in regaling us with accounts of their psychedelic experiences.

073 • Friday 13th

073 • Friday 13th

I was shoving my mule in his shed
When a meteor fell on his head.
I curse my bad luck …
Why didn’t he duck?
Next time, an alpaca instead.

Let’s not blame the beast of burden, nor bad luck. The fault, dear brutes, is not in our stars, but in ourselves: whatever animal you capture and exploit, it will be the Wrong Choice.

001 • Something is rotten

001 • Something is rotten

Adrift in a city of fools
Where all the king’s horses are mules
We are drenched in deceit
From an ersatz élite
While callous incompetence rules.

Happy New Year to all. This is perhaps more solemn and direct than I expected for a first report, but My Dog Errol insists I should stick with whatever’s in mind as I wake.