366 • The horror, the horror

366 • The horror, the horror

O, these horrors have grown out of hand!
May I bury my head in the sand?
Can I let it lie there
While my corpse roves elsewhere?
A solution like that would be grand,
And my readers would all understand
Why no further postings are planned …

Yes, Covid, Idiots in Office, Climate Chaos and now this. At least I made it to the end of the year as promised. Thanks for the all lovely comments, and I know people all round the world will enjoy re-reading the 366 rhymes of My Dog Errol, again and again, in celebration of a remarkable and memorable year.

Rick Lime

8 thoughts on “366 • The horror, the horror

  1. Thank you, and may the change of year bring a change of mind regarding continuation – in and way you wit!
    Patrick in Perth WA

  2. Mr Rick,
    My partner and I would urg you to keep writing, even, though it all rather ‘misanthropical’ orinted, we often enjoy the rhymes and you have away with words such that we often utter the rhymes aloud in our kitchen and find that you lines soudn quite a lot nicer read aloud that read on the screen. it is a pity, this is planned to end, we beg you to reconsider. 2021 will be more interesting that w2020, lot’s going on.
    G Lewin

  3. You articulate the communal angst with capable craftsmanship and no lack of perverse wit. You show little respect for fact and scant grasp of history. Excuse me if I assume these flaws are a pose intended to speak to the misanthrope, the paranoid and the ignoramus in us all. Kudos.

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